Everything you need to know about migraine: Causes, treatment, types, and symptoms


What is Migraine?

Migraine is a neurological condition with many symptoms that may vary among peoples. we recognize migraine as a severe headache. many symptoms like vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, restlessness. migraine can affect all age peoples.

Migraine attack at any age group. women have more chances to get affected by migraines than men. Family history is also the main factor that can cause migraines.

Migraine is different in many forms than normal headache. migraine attack can be much serious and can last for 3 to 5 days.

Types of Migraine

·       Migraine with Aura (Complicated Migraine)

·       Migraine without Aura (Common Migraine)

·       Hemiplegic Migraine

·       Retinal Migraine

·       Ice Pick Headaches

·       Cluster Headaches

·       Cervicogenic headache






Symptoms of Migraine


·       Headache which may differ from position

·       Seeing bright flashing dots, sparkles, or lights.

·       Blind spots in your vision.

·       Numb or tingling skin.

·       Speech changes.

·       Ringing in your ears (tinnitus).

·       Temporary vision loss.

·       Seeing wavy or jagged lines.

·       Changes in smell or taste.

·       Sensitivity to light, noise, and odors.

·       Loss of appetite.

·       Feeling very warm (sweating) or cold (chills).

·       Feeling tired.

·       Dizziness and blurred vision.


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