Peppermint oil- benefits, uses and side effects



How to use peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil with an intestinal coating seems safe to consume in a safe dose. But, health professionals do not recommend taking essential oils. Pure essential oils are very much concentrated and can be toxic.

Menthol can cause serious side effects in children, so parents should not apply peppermint oil to a child's skin, or allow them to inhale or swallow it.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult your doctor before using essential oils.

benefits of peppermint oil

Some people use peppermint oils in aromatherapy, using diluted peppermint oil to support the skin in a carrier oil, or inhaling fumes. Food and beverage manufacturers use a very small amount of mint extract to add flavor to the product.


Peppermint oil uses

One of the best benefits of peppermint oil is the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.


  • Mix 4-5 drops of peppermint oil with 1 teaspoon of pink rock salt and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  •     apply this refreshing and natural, regenerating facial scrub.


Peppermint oil uses for skin 

Peppermint oil naturally cleanses the skin and has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It has a cooling effect that soothes irritation and inflammation due to acne said by a dermatologist

·         Take 3-4 drops of peppermint oil, add 2-3 drops of water, and mix it well.

·         Apply this diluted oil on your acne/scar and let it rest for 30 minutes.

·         Wash it off using lukewarm water.

How to dilute peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil may smell good, but it is a concentrated form and is not intended to use.

When diluted, essential oils are safe to use in most situations, and it gives a lot of benefits.


Peppermint oil side effects

In most research, small amounts of peppermint oil used in foods, supplements, and skin preparations seem to be safe. Pregnant or breast-feeding women should avoid these products, for their safety during pregnancy and lactation.

Possible side effects of peppermint oil include:


Allergic reactions such as redness of the face, headaches, and mouth ulcers.

peppermint oil capsules coated with an enteric coating can increase the risk of stomach cancer. 

Their protective shell can decompose faster and increase the risk of heartburn. It is best to take these medications at least two hours after ingesting enteric mint oil products. 

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