Gonorrhea A Sexually Transmitted Disease

What is gonorrhea meaning?

Gonorrhea is an STD ( sexually transmitted disease) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which multiply in the warm, moist environment of the female genital tract, the Fallopian tubes, the cervix, and uterus in women.

Gonorrhea symptoms are so common,

In man Gonorrhea symptoms are

  • More than 80% of the male population suffers from discharge from the urethra. The discharge can be clear, white, or filled with yellow pus.
  • More than 50% of men have this infection, pain when passing urine, or pain when urinating.

In women Gonorrhea symptoms are

  • Due to a cervical or endocervical infection. About 50% of women with cervical infection have no symptoms at all. Besides, the most common symptom is vaginal discharge. The discharge can be clear, white, or filled with yellow pus.
  • One-quarter of the patients experienced pain in the lower abdomen.

Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria, named " bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae ".

Gonorrhea bacteria are present in the penis, discharge, and vaginal secretions of an infected person. The bacteria can transfer from one person to another, by means of this fluid. 

Gonorrhea in men have many common symptoms which show Inflammation, pain, or discomfort in the testicles, appendices, eggs, and arousal can occur.

Gonorrhea in women shows the symptoms like

  • experiencing bleeding between periods or heavy menstrual bleeding, as a result of the infection. Bleeding from the cervix is easy to damage.
  • Only 12% of those with co-infection, pain, pain when passing urine, or pain when urinating. But, there is no need for frequent urination. This is a symptom that may occur with infections of the urinary tract.

Gonococcal infection can be transferred by physical relations with an infected person.

Gonorrhea test can be done in various ways such as

Nucleic acid hybridization test

Nucleic acid Amplification test

The culture of gonorrhea

Gram Stain

Enzyme-linked immunodeficient assay (ELISA)

Gonorrhea throat and Gonorrhea in mouth

Gonorrhea can spread through oral sex, which is on the genital organs or anal region of a person who has gonorrhea.

Although the research limits us, there have been many earlier cases of transmission by kissing.

Tongue kissing, and more in general, it is referred to as a" French kiss, " it seems to increase the risk.

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