
Importance of Birth Spacing

  Birth spacing importance Having more than one child requires patience, flexibility, and humor. It involves finding the answer to the question of how, when, and how to grow your family. There are pros and cons to all the possible scenarios of space, but in the end, anything works best for your family. Birth spacing advantages · Child Spacing itself has many benefits. · A baby can be born at the right time and have a healthy weight. ·   A baby can grow well because the mother can pay close attention to the baby. · The mother will have more energy and less stress.     Birth spacing and maternal health Getting pregnant again before 18 months increases the risk of certain health problems for your baby, including: Premature birth: This means that your baby will be born soon, before 37 weeks of gestation. Premature babies are more likely to have health problems and should stay in the hospital longer than premature babies. The shorter the time b...

Everything you want to know about gaslighting: signs, types, symptoms

Gaslighting meaning   Gaslighting is a form of psychological harassment in which a person or group causes someone to question their health, true opinion, or memories. People who get gaslight often feel confused, anxious, and insecure. Types of Gaslighting The Straight Up Lie Reality Manipulation Scapegoating Coercion The Beauty of the Attack Pressure and Manipulation Gaslighting synonym   abuse manipulation brainwashing deception intimidation emotional abuse psychological abuse mental abuse Signs of gaslighting Gaslighting signs that you are a victim of gaslighting include – you will no longer feel like the person you used to be with more anxiety and less confidence than before you often wonder if you are too sensitive? feeling like everything you do is always wrong you always think it’s your fault when things go wrong apologizing often Gaslighting phrases Common gaslighting clauses and gaslighting phrases are used by...

Peppermint oil- benefits, uses and side effects

    How to use peppermint oil Peppermint essential oil with an intestinal coating seems safe to consume in a safe dose. But, health professionals do not recommend taking essential oils. Pure essential oils are very much concentrated and can be toxic. Menthol can cause serious side effects in children, so parents should not apply peppermint oil to a child's skin, or allow them to inhale or swallow it. During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult your doctor before using essential oils. benefits of peppermint oil Some people use peppermint oils in aromatherapy, using diluted peppermint oil to support the skin in a carrier oil, or inhaling fumes. Food and beverage manufacturers use a very small amount of mint extract to add flavor to the product.   Peppermint oil uses One of the best benefits of peppermint oil is the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.   Mix 4-5 drops of peppermint oil with 1 teaspoon of pink rock salt and ...

Gonorrhea A Sexually Transmitted Disease

What is gonorrhea meaning ? Gonorrhea is an STD ( sexually transmitted disease) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which multiply in the warm, moist environment of the female genital tract, the Fallopian tubes, the cervix, and uterus in women. Gonorrhea symptoms are so common, In man Gonorrhea symptoms are More than 80% of the male population suffers from discharge from the urethra. The discharge can be clear, white, or filled with yellow pus. More than 50% of men have this infection, pain when passing urine, or pain when urinating. In women Gonorrhea symptoms are Due to a cervical or endocervical infection. About 50% of women with cervical infection have no symptoms at all. Besides, the most common symptom is vaginal discharge. The discharge can be clear, white, or filled with yellow pus. One-quarter of the patients experienced pain in the lower abdomen. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria, named " bacterium Neisseria...

A complete corona update

  Coronavirus  is a virus that belongs to the RNA group that causes respiratory problems in humans. This infection can range from mild to Extreme. Mind infection in humans is similar to the common cold caused by rhinovirus. Some Extreme coronavirus causes  SARS, MERS , and covid-19. In humans, coronavirus infects the lungs via the respiratory tract. There have been many gaps due to which coronavirus is spreading. The world is fighting a war with coronavirus New Variant of Coronavirus After India, the COVID-19 variant of B. 1.617.2, which was first detected in the country, and has already earned the nickname of the “Delta-Variant’ by the WHO, has been spreading across the globe. Today it is available in more than 60 countries and is spreading. Health officials around the globe, even in countries with a high level of coverage, are worried about this. The delta version is up to 50% more transmissible than variant B.1.1.7, for the first time found in the UK, and is now calle...

Everything you need to know about migraine: Causes, treatment, types, and symptoms

  What is Migraine? Migraine is a neurological condition with many symptoms that may vary among peoples. we recognize migraine as a severe headache. many symptoms like vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, restlessness. migraine can affect all age peoples. Migraine attack at any age group. women have more chances to get affected by migraines than men. Family history is also the main factor that can cause migraines. Migraine is different in many forms than normal headache. migraine attack can be much serious and can last for 3 to 5 days. Types of Migraine ·        Migraine with Aura ( Complicated Migraine ) ·        Migraine without Aura ( Common Migraine ) ·        Hemiplegic Migraine ·        Retinal Migraine ·        Ice Pick Headaches ·        Cluster Headaches...

What is Normal Body Temperature for an average human?

  Our temperature affects all aspects of our health. It is often referred to as the inner clock that keeps us asleep and keeps us awake. Our temperature rises and falls is the fourth sign in our body to produce feelings of arousal or fatigue. When your body temperature drops, you will begin to feel tired. So, as your body temperature rises, you will feel stronger and more alert. Remember that your temperature rises and falls throughout the day depending on your activities and environment. It is not surprising that when we place great physical needs in us the body temperature will rise. It happens that when you stop physical activity your body temperature will drop.     What is Normal Body Temperature for an average human?   You may have heard that the “normal” body temperature is 98.6 ° F (37 ° C). This number is only medium. Your body temperature may rise or lower.   High or low temperature reading does not mean you are sick. There are many fa...